Polyneuron completes seed financing roundPolyneuron announced it has completed a seed financing round raising over CHF 3 million with a group of private investors together with early investors such as the EVA Basel and the ZKB. Press_Release_Polyneuron_20160511… [read on]
IMD StartUp CompetitionPolyneuron is one of the 25 winners of the renowned IMD StartUp Competition and will be working with IMD’s executive MBA participants during 2016. [read on]
Polyneuron is listed in the TOP 100 of the best Swiss Startups 2015We are proud to announce that Polyneuron is ranked 39th in the TOP 100 best Swiss Startups of the year 2015. This award is anually published by the IFJ Institut für Jungunternehmen, together with the Journalistenbüro Niedermann and the Handelszeitung. TOP 100 Swiss Startups… [read on]
4th place at Science4LifePolyneuron is in the top5 start-up teams at the Science4Life start-up competition in Germany. Science4Life… [read on]
Venture Kick Phase 3Venture kick Phase 3 “Kick-start your startup”: Polyneuron wins the final of venturekick and is awarded with CHF100’000. Polyneuron is thankful to venturekick for its support! Startwerk.ch… [read on]
Swiss National Startup Team 2015Ruben Herrendorff, CEO of Polyneuron, is part of the Swiss National Startup Team 2015. With the top 20 venture leaders from Switzerland he will travel to Boston and New York in June. The entrepreneurs will share their challenges, develop ideas and motivate one and other,… [read on]
We are corporate nowPolyneuron Pharmaceuticals AG: Polyneuron is proud to announce its incorporation. [read on]
Venture Kick Phase 2Venture Kick Phase 2 “Present your business case”: Polyneuron convinced the jury of venturekick, is rewarded with CHF20’000 and enrolled in the final stage. venturekick.ch… [read on]